Thursday, May 15, 2008

Xbox 360 lineup for this year

Microsoft Game Studios will release this year you can now stop guessing, as we now have the full year lineup. As you would expect the biggest title on the list is Gears of War 2, but there are still some other great titles for all tastes.

This new lineup was unveiled at a showcase event in San Francisco, it even had Epic’s Gears of War 2 chief giving us a little demonstration of the fantastic gameplay that his title has to offer. It seemed as if he just wanted to show off the games great gameplay as well as the superb visual effects while playing a campaign sequence.

The list of titles include Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness which comes out on May 21, then we has Ninja Gaiden II which comes out on June 6, Too Human is released on August 19. Other tiltes include Viva PiƱata: Trouble in Paradise that’s out in September with Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts coming in November. Then we have the much anticipated Gears of War 2 at Christmas along with Fable 2.