Thursday, May 15, 2008

HTC Touch Diamond ROM Hacked

HTC Touch Diamond and while it has only just been released, it’s not only come out a month before the expected 3G iPhone launch, but one week on from launch and the Touch Diamond has been hacked already.

It makes you wonder if the phone makers do not mind their cell phones getting hacked, or are these hackers really that good and no security can stop them.

Whatever way it is, this hack will bring features that many users will like and thanks to a XDA Devs user, the HTC Diamond’s ROM has been hacked and the soft keyboard extracted.If you want to run this hacked feature, then you will need to visit the XDA Devs site but remember to change the default language from Italian to English on install (unless you speak Italian that is), and the install may be a bit slow but this is apparently normal.

We have not tested this hack, so do it at your own risk but its said to ask you to reset your device and then it will give you 3 new KB layouts. With all these new sleek looking cell phones, the consumer has never had so much choice and the HTC Touch Diamond is one of the best current choices of phones, it sports a full HTML web browser just like many next-gen phones and like my iPhone. Other features include One-touch navigation and music playback, as the the HTC Touch Diamond is all about the way you touch your phone.