Thursday, November 1, 2007

RF Online Skills Tips

Skills are one element of the trifecta of metrics that determine character performance. Each skill has an associated level based cap that allows the skill to be improved in a scaled fashion. However, it is critical to note that skills and level are not completely tied together, in that a skill cap rise does not result in a skill improvement, only practice in the applicable area can achieve this.

Just as the metric for leveling is known as XP, skills are measured by point totals. Point totals will hereafter be referred to as PT. As each skill 'levels', relevant character metrics will improve, as listed below. PT is earned by using a technique successfully, for example, a ranged weapon hit. Depending on the level disparity between the character and the target/item, each successful iteration recieves a number of points in that skill.

Earned points correlate to earned PT percentage on a sliding scale. For example, an Accretian Specialist at L24/Ranged 12 needs 30 points to recieve 7/10ths of a percent toward Ranged 13. At L25, the same character requires 37 points for the same result.

Skill sets are comprised of default usage of a skill, as well as applicable special functions associated with particular tasks. Tier 1 characters have access to all of the Basic functions of a skill, with Tier 2 being granted access to Expert, Tier 3 Elite, and a complete Tier 3 recieves Master level functions.

Combat Skills


Close combat, whether unarmed or melee weapons. Each PT provides +3 melee dmg and +3 SP.


Ranged combat weapon usage. Each PT increases ranged damage, accuracy, SP/FP cap +3.


(N/A to Accretians) - Magic combat. Each PT increases Force Attack and FP +3.


Shield usage during combat. Equipping a shield does not use this skill, only successfully blocking an attack does. Each PT increases the chance to block attacks.


Damage taken during combat. Each PT gives +60HP and +6DP.

Equipment and Animus

Accretian Launcher

Ranged launcher combat. Each PT increases launcher damage by 3 points, increases launcher attack speed, as well as making increasingly complex launchers available for usage. For AOE rounds, points are only recieved for each round expended, not number of MOBs affected.

Bellato Unit

MAU combat. Each PT increases the selection of units and upgrades that a character may purchase/equip.

Coran Summon

Animus assisted combat. Each PT increases the chance to summon.

Specialist Skills


Production of equipment. Each PT enables the Specialist to craft equipment of increased complexity.


Production of wearables. Each PT enables the Specialist to craft wearables of increased complexity.


Ammunition production. Each PT enables the Specialist to craft magazines of increased capacity, elemental damage, and overall damage.