Thursday, September 27, 2007

K2 meter for the real ghost hunter

K2 meter is a must have tool for the person that really takes ghost hunting serious. The K2 meter used to be pretty cheap but these days the price of a K2 meter has almost triple, the only place I can find a really good K2 meter at a really cheap price, the only down side is that you may have to wait for the bid to end and if you have some spooky shit happening at your house you may need the K2 meter quickly.

The K2 meter measures magnetic fields, and it’s been specially calibrated for paranormal investigations. The theory behind the K2 meter is that if there’s a spirit in the area, the K2 meter will pick up it’s magnetic field. You can then train the spirits, supposedly, to intensify its magnetic field, therefore lighting up the lights on the K2 meter.