where can i find unclaimed money??? Easy Ways to Claim Your Cash Revealed. If you are searching for things such as forgotten apartment security deposits, uncashed overtime checks, lost insurance refunds or abandoned safe deposit boxes, your first stop is the states.
It’s easier than ever to find forgotten property thanks to the increasing number of databases. In most cases, it makes sense to do the sleuthing yourself rather than pay a finder firm to do it for you. If you locate funds that are yours, the fiduciary that holds them will provide specific instructions on how to claim them. You’ll need proof of your identity. If the property belonged to a deceased relative or friend, you’ll also have to prove that you are the executor of the estate or the rightful heir.
The National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators has set up a free website, www.unclaimed[dot]org that will link you to the appropriate department in your state that holds the funds. NAUPA also endorses a free but commercially run site called www.missingmoney[dot]com. Be sure to search every state where you've lived and every name you have had.