Monday, February 11, 2008

Roger Clemens' silver-tongued lawyer might have to rein in his rhetoric.

Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), chairman of the congressional Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, sent Rusty Hardin, Clemens' Houston-based lawyer, a letter urging him to quickly "clarify the record" regarding comments he made last week about Jeff Novitzky, an IRS special agent and lead investigator on the BALCO case who questioned Brian McNamee about Clemens' alleged drug use.

Waxman's office provided with a copy of the letter on Sunday.Hardin was apparently perturbed last week when Novitzky stated his intention to attend Wednesday's hearing in Washington, D.C., where Clemens and his former personal trainer will come face to face and answer questions concurrently for the first time since McNamee's allegations that Clemens used steroids and human growth hormone became public on Dec. 13.

Hardin told The New York Times that it would be "unbelievable" and "brazen" for Novitzky to attend the hearing in person, when he could just as easily watch it on television.

Hardin went on use an expression that Waxman took particular exception to: "I can tell you this," Hardin said, "If ever messes with Roger, Roger will eat his lunch."

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