Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Kurdish Yazidi, attacked by suicide bombings 175 kills

It gave four suicide bombardments in the Kurdish Yazidi to communities, in the Iraq, in these attacks, which have simultaneously killed 145 people happened, while another 200 was wounded. This death delivery actual in the Iraq since 23 November the highest, as 215 in the mortar fire and - autobombardments in Baghdad were killed.

The acts of the terrorist, which happened close Qahataniya, did not seem, to aim the bad Yazidis and have anything to do with the armed conflict which goes on into the country. But aluminium-Qaida fighters were very active during the region.

Over 30 Yazidis in four bombardments became, at which scene struck, which was it not only ambulance, which rushed the hurt hospital in addition, the civil cars in addition. Many witnesses say also that they say US helicopter, which rushes inside, in order to evacuate the hurt to the hospital.