Thursday, August 4, 2011

Search Unclaimed Money by State

Search Unclaimed Money by State - State governments hold money such as deceased estates, share dividends, salaries and wages, cheques, over-payments, proceeds of sale and much more. See money held by state governments for more information.

Search for unclaimed money by state, In addition to those national searches, each state has a department for unclaimed money and unclaimed property. I found a page that linked to all of these different resources, but the site was woefully out of date. So, I spent a warm Sunday afternoon in my non-air-conditioned office tracking down the current locations of each state’s unclaimed property office. (And I’ve included some info for Canadians, too.)

Alabama Alaska Arizona
Arkansas California Colorado
Connecticut Delaware District Of Columbia
Florida Georgia Hawaii
Idaho Illinois Indiana
Iowa Kansas Kentucky
Louisiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota
Missouri Mississippi Montana
Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire
New Jersey New Mexico New York
North Carolina North Dakota Ohio
Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania
Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas Utah
Vermont Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Puerto Rico Canada Quebec

Search Unclaimed Money by State, Have you ever tracked down Search Unclaimed Money? How did it Search Unclaimed Money work? Can you provide some tips based on your Search Unclaimed Money experience? Are there other tools and resources that should be added to this Search Unclaimed Money list?