Monday, February 1, 2010

2010 Calendar Event and Holidays

* Significant January holidays:
o  1New Year's Day
o  6Epiphany
o 18Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday observed

* Significant February holidays:
o Black History Month
o  2Groundhog Day
o 12Lincoln's Birthday
o 14Valentine's Day
o 14Chinese New Year
o 15Washington's Birthday observed
o 16Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras)
o 17Ash Wednesday
o 22Washington's Birthday
o 26Mawlid al-Nabi †
o 28Purim †

* Significant March holidays:
o Women's History Month
o 14Daylight Saving Time begins
o 15The Ides of March
o 17St. Patrick's Day
o 20Spring begins (EDT) ‡
o 28Palm Sunday
o 301st Day of Passover †

* Significant April holidays:
o Poetry Month
o  1April Fool's Day
o  2Good Friday
o  4Easter Sunday (Western)

* Significant May holidays:
o Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
o  1May Day
o  1Ascension Day
o  5Cinco de Mayo
o  9Mother's Day
o 191st Day of Shavuot †
o 23Pentecost
o 31Memorial Day observed

* Significant June holidays:
o 14Flag Day
o 20Father's Day
o 21Summer begins (EDT) ‡

* Significant July holidays:
o  1Canada Day
o  4Independence Day
o  5Independence Day observed

* Significant August holidays:
o 11Ramadan begins †

* Significant September holidays:
o Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15–Oct. 15)
o  6Labor Day
o  91st Day of Rosh Hashanah †
o 10Ramadan ends (Eid al-Fitr) †
o 18Yom Kippur †
o 22Autumn begins (EDT) ‡
o 231st Day of Sukkot †
o 30Shemini Atzeret †

* Significant October holidays:
o 11Columbus Day observed
o 11Thanksgiving Day (Canada)
o 31Halloween

* Significant November holidays:
o American Indian Heritage Month
o  1All Saints' Day
o  2Election Day
o  5Diwali
o  7Daylight Saving Time ends
o 11Veterans Day
o 15Eid al-Adha †
o 25Thanksgiving (U.S.)
o 281st Sunday of Advent

* Significant December holidays:
o  21st Day of Hanukkah †
o  71st Day of Muharram †
o 21Winter begins (EST) ‡
o 25Christmas
o 261st Day of Kwanzaa